Project 2025 – Where Polarity Thrives

I carefully studied Project 2025 simply because I wanted to understand what people were talking about; I had no idea what to expect. Halfway through the 920-page document, I realized how much I have to learn about the executive branch of our federal government, responsible for enforcing the laws of our country. By the time I came to the final page, though, I was crystal clear about one thing: Seething hatred and unbridled anger are lurking in those pages, suggesting an absolute dichotomy between “good” and “bad.” It seems I might have stumbled upon the nest where our nation’s bitter polarization thrives.

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Project 2025 – Surely you want to know more!

Hey! It’s only 920 pages!

… but who’s counting? After about a month of careful reading – and copying/pasting sentences and phrases I feel must be captured verbatim for full understanding – I have about 50 pages of notes and am 40% finished reading the document. Understand: I am not scanning or skimming. I’m seeking actual comprehension to the point that I can communicate to others the meaning supported by legitimately quoted passages. Call me a nerd – because that’s exactly what I am – but I find the process of careful reading and then explaining what I’ve read to be an actual learning experience. (And nerds like me would rather learn than do pretty much anything else.)

So, I’m taking a break from the project for a few hours now with the intention of offering to the public some background information; call it a bait, if you wish, thrown into the water to keep you circling my hook. (grin) I hope you find it a good start on an important learning experience.

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Oh, Quit Wringing your Hands!

A first-grade teacher shot in the abdomen and through the hand is now struggling for her life in a hospital – shot in her classroom by one of her own students – six years old! The shooting followed an “altercation” between teacher and student; police say it was “not accidental.” Does this school district have a problem? Or does this nation have a problem?

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Flying Solo? Maybe Not

Have you ever felt like the oddest person on the planet, perhaps the individual who sees a particular scenario differently than any other person on earth? That’s got to be a lonely position; maybe I’m being a bit extreme. But, in all honesty, when it comes to this notion of “gun control,” I’ve developed a very firm position – different than anything I’ve ever heard proposed by another person. Logically, then, I’ve assumed not a single other person sees it like I do.

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Critical Race Theory Opens my Eyes! (3)

Note: This is the third article in a series on Critical Race Theory. You really, truly should read them in order:

  • Exactly What is Critical Race Theory (1)

  • Critical Race Theory as a Political Tool (2)

  • Critical Race Theory Opens my Eyes (3)

Recently I saw the oddest sign in the front yard of a Green Bay home: “Defund Critical Race Theory.” What on earth?! Who “funds” CRT? What is the point of this sign? I’d never seen it before. I couldn’t help but wonder whether the guy who put it out there (I verified it is a guy), among 6 or 8 scattered signs, has a clue what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is.

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Critical Race Theory as a Political Tool (2)

[Note: The author assumes you have read “Exactly What is Critical Race Theory?” before you tackle this article. If you haven’t, please do so now and then return. This article assumes a basic, somewhat unbiased understanding of CRT.]

What a ride it’s been! On the first leg of the journey (I was such a neophyte!) I invited you to ride along with me as I sought to understand the very simplest facts about Critical Race Theory. Why? Because so many people are screaming about it, and school board meetings are spinning out of control, teachers are being “monitored,” and books are being banned. And I’ve had the impression that most people don’t have a clue what they’re fussing about. I surely didn’t. So we spent a little time discovering where this all came from and what the basic tenets of this critical theory are. We tackled some sophisticated concepts and vocabulary, and we even considered the significance of the words “critical” and “theory”; we spent a good bit of time considering the emotional baggage attached to the word “race.”

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Want the Shooting to Stop?

GET RID OF THE GUNS! Seriously, you still haven’t figured that out?

Have you heard this one? “If guns made us safe, we’d be the safest nation on earth.” Ain’t that the truth? We have 4% of the world’s population and 42% of the world’s guns – far more guns than people, and yet thepercentage of Americans owning guns is shrinking. Sixty-nine percent of us don’t even own a gun, but of those who do, 29% of them own five or more guns! What does that mean?

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A Frank Look at America’s Formation

(with contributor Janet Winans, Ph.D.)

The older I get, the dumber I feel. I do remember, though, being told (when I was much younger) that the more you learn, the more you realize what you don’t know. I guess that’s how life is. Seriously, my recent research on current issues – Critical Race Theory, gun violence, democracy/autocracy/fascism - has made me feel rather like an ostrich who’s had her head in the sand for decades. For a while, the learning was uplifting and invigorating, but then the strangest thing happened to me: All the pieces of the puzzle started to come together – and the image of our country’s history taking shape sickened me.

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I Oppose Gun Control!

I am absolutely opposed to gun control. You cannot propose any sort of gun control that I’ll support. I firmly believe in the Second Amendment. No gun control!

You probably think a good portion of the American population will agree with me. Not so fast. Read to the end, and then you’ll realize that not a single American is likely to agree with me – and yet, I haven’t the tiniest doubt that I’m right and you’re all wrong. Let me explain.

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Exactly What is Critical Race Theory? (1)

Why has Critical Race Theory (CRT) become such an explosive issue lately? I think that question is important to answer. It’s easy to say, “because those idiots believe it,” or “because those fools won’t believe it,” or some other simple explanation that puts the blame squarely on someone else and dismisses the controversy as stupid. But I don’t think it’s stupid. I think this disagreement is a microcosm of the general polarization of our country, and I believe it’s a good place to start the healing.

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