This is the Cabinet??? (3)

Hegseth for Defense: absolutely terrifying!

His selection for this leadership role makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? He’s talked a lot on television for the past ten years, and he’s been involved in conservative politics all his adult life. Oh, and he did serve in the National Guard, and he was executive director of two veteran-support organizations – uh... two political veterans organizations – sorry. This Trump cabinet pick, beyond all the others I’ve researched so far, is beyond ridiculous; this one will keep me awake at night.

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Crazy Cabinet Maker (2)

Linda McMahon – I’m wrestling with this pick

I’m not a wrestling fan, although I was as a child. I remember those rare, late-night sessions in front of our little black-and-white TV with my brother and sister, watching “wrestling” that was more clown-show than sport. Other than that, I haven’t followed wrestling on any level, and I’d never heard of Linda McMahon until she was nominated to take over the Department of Education. As a long-time teacher and current School Board trustee, I was keenly interested in learning her background and philosophy. I had no idea she was a wrestler! And even older than me! And never a classroom teacher! Oh, my. I began reading...

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A Cabinet Maker Gone Wild?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – a roller coaster ride!

Well! Having spent most of my summer immersed in Project 2025, believing it might soon be water under the bridge, and, in particular, having spent a few weeks with the conservative mandate’s plans for Health and Human Services (HHS), I was astonished at Donald Trump’s pick for HHS Secretary. Stunned!  

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Menu – Project 2025

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Here in the Speakeasy, YOU decide

where to start & when to stop.

Project 2025: Small Business Administration (SBA)

As always, let’s begin with an introduction to the author. Karen Kerrigan has served as president and CEO of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship (SBE) Council since 1994, and is a founder of Women Entrepreneurs, Inc. She regularly testifies before Congress on key issues impacting small business and the economy. Per the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Kerrigan has been appointed to numerous federal advisory boards, has presented at several Presidential economic summits, and has been called America’s “entrepreneurial envoy."

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Project 2025: Export-Import Bank (EXIM)

[Let me lay all my cards on the table immediately: I didn’t even know this thing existed. But my inner nerd wanted to learn, so let’s get started.] We’ll start, as always, with the authors. Did you see that? Authors – plural! This is one of only two sections of Project 2025 that offers two opposing perspectives: EXIM should be abolished vs. EXIM should not be abolished. What fun! We’ll begin with the call to abolish EXIM, authored by Veronique de Rugy.

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Project 2025: The Disastrous Economic Consequences

Project 2025 should be viewed as the Heritage Foundation’s transitional roadmap to socially and economically return America to the mid- 19th and early 20th centuries when there were no personal income or corporate taxes, no “job killing” business regulations, no labor laws, no worker or child labor protections, no social safety net programs such as Social Security and Medicare.  In other words, it was a period of unfettered classic capitalism on steroids.

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Project 2025: Department of the Interior

With comments by Ken Stromborg, Ph.D., Wildlife Biologist

I have no personal expertise in the area of “the interior,” so I entered this section of the Mandate for Leadership with eyes wide open, ready to learn. For some reason, though, I found this chapter of Project 2025 particularly challenging. I am happy to report, however, that I had an expert by my side, and he will interject his comments as we go; I believe his perspective will clarify yours. Now I will summarize for you what I found, along with astute commentary by Dr. Ken Stromborg, Ph.D., certified Wildlife Biologist. Dr. Stromborg, a much-published scientist, served the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a Fish and Wildlife Biologist from 1985 to 2007; he served also as the Environmental Contaminants Specialist for Green Bay. Then he volunteered with the same agency at the Horicon Marsh from 2007 to 2013.  Now, let’s launch our summary.

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Project 2025: Department of Education

This department is, of course, close to my heart, as I was a teacher over many years, across five states, and I currently serve on the local Board of Education. Still, I will strive to provide my readers a thorough, objective – but dramatically shortened – summary of this section, which occupies 43 pages of the original mandate. Following the summary, you'll find comments by two local experienced educators.

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Project 2025: Health and Human Services

The “Mandate for Leadership” allocates 49 of its 920 pages to the Department of Health and Human Services, followed by five pages of endnotes. Surely we will find here a comprehensive, reasoned analysis of how this department and its agencies and services are advised to behave when the new, conservative administration takes over. So let’s dig in...

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