"The Earth Itself is in Peril"

a comprehensive summary of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

Recently I was searching my Kindle to see what I might dig into next – perhaps an unfinished read or even a book I’d bought and forgotten about. Indeed! There was a book called The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. I had no recollection of buying it, nor did I have any idea what it was about – except, of course, the obvious. Did it “call to me”? You bet it did! This was right at the time that Donald Trump was being inaugurated for the second time – January 2025 – and, yes, I was scared this time.

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How Cultural Consciousness is Created

Gladwell’s riveting Revenge of the Tipping Point

Wow! I just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s Revenge of the Tipping Point, and I hardly know where to start! It’s an amazing, enlightening story, a set of mind-blowing, data-driven facts offered in the style of a mystery thriller. And the examples Gladwell uses are contemporary and familiar to us: the Covid-19 pandemic, the opioid crisis, the gay marriage issue, our American healthcare system, and more. You will want to read this book (I hope). For those who are reluctant or terribly time-constrained, let me try to share something of what this genius has to say. 

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The Billionaire Culture War and School Vouchers

The Privateers, by Josh Cowen, Professor of Education Policy, MI State U

I just finished reading Professor Cowen’s very serious, challenging book – and I’m utterly depressed. Yes, I knew I’d learn a lot, because I knew very little about school vouchers, and I was already pretty sure I opposed them. But I had no idea – absolutely no idea – how dark and insidious and LONG the school voucher battle has been! I want to share the history and insight and wisdom I found in this book, and I want others to know the story, but, oh! It’s not a happy one. My summary is long – I hope you’ll hang in there to the end. It’s really important to truly understand this stuff.

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“Stand out... Believe in truth... Investigate!”

On Tyranny, by Timothy Snyder

I can’t recall ever reading a simpler, clearer, more readable – but absolutely valuable – book than this one by Yale University history professor and revered, prolific author, Timothy Snyder. And, depending on how you feel about what lies ahead for our democracy, this powerful, easy read might be just what you’re looking for.

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“We’re Eating Ourselves to Death!”

That is the terrifying conclusion of Casey Means, author of Good Energy: the surprising connection between metabolism and limitless health. This book was recommended to me by my optometrist, of all people! I was simply in for my annual eye checkup, and we got to talking about holistic health, and before the end of the day, I was immersed in yet another life-changing book – and this one, I am convinced, you must read.

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One of the Best Reads of a Lifetime

Abstract: The Emperor of all Maladies: a biography of cancer

Written by Siddhartha Mukherjee – abstracted by Lynn Gerlach

Published in 2010; given to me by a friend in 2015; abstracted in 2023

Note to my reader: The author, Siddhartha Mukherjee, calls cancer “a lethal shape-shifting entity… the defining plague of our generation.” He refers to his book as “an attempt to enter the mind of this immortal illness” which is, in its many forms, the abnormal growth of cells.

The book is a 4,000-year history of cancer and the “hypnotic, obsessive quest to launch a national ‘War on Cancer’” by two key individuals: Sydney Farber, “the father of modern chemotherapy,” and Mary Lasker, a Manhattan socialite. Mukherjee notes that the book is also “a personal journey of my coming of age as an oncologist.”

For me, the reader who hopes to cull for you an abbreviated but authentic version of this 400+ page history, it is also “a personal journey” that has allowed me to find my own cancer story within the context of the 4000-year war. This is a long book and a long abstract. My hope is that, when you’ve finished reading my abstract, you’ll go directly to Dr. Mukherjee’s book.

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The End of Normal: climate change is upon us

It’s the iconic image of the decade - the inexplicable and infuriating juxtaposition of the Amazon rain forest ablaze and the U.S. President lying to skip out on the G-7 climate crisis meeting! What Donald Trump will never understand - and what you and I simply must grasp - is that climate change is a fact now, not something coming down the pike someday, perhaps. 

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Democracy in Danger - that book again!

About a year ago a journalist I find most trustworthy recommended a book that seemed well suited to my unease about the direction our nation was headed. Fareed Zakaria pitched How Democracies Die by Steven Livitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. I read the book; it did not quell my fears for our country. In fact, it convinced me that our democracy might be in more serious danger than I’d first thought. 

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A Fun Book for Everyone - unbiased, straightforward

What a breath of fresh air! A book in 2018 that has no political bent and no ax to grind. Fifty Inventions that Shaped the Modern Economy by Tim Harford doesn’t even claim these are the fifty most important inventions. He just treats us to a delightful history of fifty inventions and shows the undeniable impact each has had on today’s economy. Even if you’re not a student of the economy, it’s a fun read with no hidden agenda and no allegiance to any political party.

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Changing Minds - a Magic Wand?

Probably not. But have we ever seen a period in our lifetime when more people hoped more fervently to change more minds – but were ever so nervous about trying to do so? Did you ever before walk on eggs like you’re walking on eggs now? Biting your tongue? Holding back with strangers – nice, friendly folk you genuinely like – because they might be “on the other side”? Carefully remembering not to tread on certain ground with family because one can never be sure who’s in what camp? 

But, oh, how we’d like to change their minds! And how they’d like to change ours! In many cases, I think, we also long to change our own minds.

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