The Garbage Can Caper - So this is my life now?

On Monday evening I rolled my beautiful green and gold Titletown garbage cart down to my driveway’s apron and lined it up proudly with those of my neighbors. Tomorrow would be garbage pick-up day in my neighborhood, and each household would have its trash out for collection in the rolling cart the city of Green Bay had issued it. No city is prettier on garbage day than Green Bay.

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Sugar Free - Fighting the Other Pandemic

On my own anniversary of becoming sugar free (7 years today), I am publishing this abstract of the book that started it all for me. In January 2013 I saw Dr. Lustig on TV, touting his new book; I had it downloaded to my Kindle before the end of his interview. I read it carefully. (He’s an endocrinologist; this is not light reading.) Then I bought a paper copy so I could mark it up, and I read it again.

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The End of Normal: climate change is upon us

It’s the iconic image of the decade - the inexplicable and infuriating juxtaposition of the Amazon rain forest ablaze and the U.S. President lying to skip out on the G-7 climate crisis meeting! What Donald Trump will never understand - and what you and I simply must grasp - is that climate change is a fact now, not something coming down the pike someday, perhaps. 

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Unspeakable Conditions on our Southern Border

So, honestly, when Julian Castro suggested the repeal of Section 1325, did you know what he was talking about? I certainly didn’t, so I Googled the darned thing and read it. It says nothing of separating children from their parents, yet I’m told that’s the law the Trump administration uses to justify holding children in cages.

I determined to learn everything I could about the history of our southern border, our immigration policies, and the apparent causes of the current atrocity. Here I’ll briefly lay out the key facts in the hope you’ll undertake some research of your own.

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Who's been in the Speakeasy? A Mid-year Report

It’s always a good idea for a business establishment to take stock mid-year and determine what’s been selling well, who the customer base seems to be now, and what might be a good product to offer in the future. Places of social gathering are no different: Who’s been coming in our doors lately, and what have they been ordering? As we pass by the clusters of patrons absorbed in animated conversation, what are they actually discussing?

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Here is your Mueller Report - Part III

If you have read the five previous articles in this series, you have my deepest respect and admiration – now you will get your reward. You’ve worked your way through an abbreviated version of the Mueller Report; I estimate the review I’ve offered is no more than 15% as long as the actual Report. That said, it’s absolutely not the same thing as reading the original. I still encourage you to do so. (And do feel free then to correct me where you discover I have been wrong.)

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Here is your Mueller Report - Part IID

Welcome to the final section of Mueller’s Volume Two. I sincerely hope you have arrived here after reading Part I (Volume One) and Parts IIA, B and C (Volume Two). If you are jumping in here – no harm done, but you’re going to have a heck of a time getting up to speed. Should you be a newcomer to the series, though, you should know that I am a voting, tax-paying citizen who believes it is her civic duty to get as close as possible to the truth about her democracy. That’s why I read the Mueller Report. And, after reading it (I actually had to read Volume Two twice), I fully understood why most Americans would not be reading it. 

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Here is your Mueller Report - Part IIC

If you have been with me, my friend, through the entire series, just skip this paragraph – you know it by heart. If not, may I say that I am a voting, tax-paying citizen who loves to read and longs to know the truth about her government and its leaders? My goal has been to study the Mueller Report (and Volume Two does, indeed, require studying!) for the purpose of first informing myself and then informing the 97% of Americans who will not read the Report.

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Here is your Mueller Report - Part IIB

This is the effort of one tax-paying, voting citizen to assist the vast majority of other U.S. tax payers/voters who will never read the 448-page Mueller Report. It is my conviction that we, as voters, have an obligation to get as close to the truth as possible. In addition, since I have paid my taxes religiously all my life, I feel a rightto know the truth. I like to read, so I’m happy to share with you that truth, found in the Mueller Report, to the best of my lay-person’s ability.

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